Ma rändan oma mõtetes mööda muuseume. Tihti ma unustan, millises ajas ma elan. Cosimo Medici uhke peahoiak on mulle lähedasem ja mõistetavam kui kaasaegse turritav kukal.
Tegelikult elame kõikides aegades, mis olnud. Nad toimivad meis üheaegselt. Aeg on suhteline, see on nagu paljutoaline korter, kus küll mõned toad on hingelähedasemad.
Mind huvitavad koridorid, mis ühendavad tubasid aja korteris. Ma transformeerin kujundeid sajandist sajandisse, nad pöörduvad pahupidi ja muutuvad negatiivideks. Negatiiv, see on arhiivifakt, mis hülgab näilisuse ja kodeerib olemuse.
Selles korteris elavad naised, vahest ka mehed maalidelt sajanditest, mis mulle kallid. Mul on hea meel, et nad on ikka veel elus ning kõrgele eale vaatamata kõbusad.
I travel through museums in my mind. I often forget what time I live. The proud posture of Cosimo Medici is more similar and understandable to me than the modern turbulent neck. In fact, we live in all the times that have existed. They work for us at the same time. Time is relative, it’s like a multi-room apartment, where some rooms are more soulful. I am interested in the corridors that connect the rooms in the time apartment. I transform images from century to century, they turn upside down and into negatives. Negative, it is an archival fact that abandons appearance and encodes nature. Women live in this apartment, maybe even men from paintings from centuries that are dear to me. I’m glad they’re still alive and sad despite their old age.